
Friday, April 16, 2010

Full Moon Ritual – To release the old & plant the new

This is a simple, yet very powerful ritual which assists you in fearlessly moving forward.  As it is the time of Autumn Equinox this is the perfect moment to release old behaviour patterns, beliefs and needs from your energetic, that no longer serve your highest good.Also to plant new dreams and ideas so they may cultivate into reality.
This ritual can be done individually or in a gathering or group.
Firstly take a sheet of paper and list all the things you wish to let go of, this will become your “release” list. Then take another sheet of paper and list all that you wish to bring into your life, this will become your “seeding” list.
If you have chosen to do this ritual in a group, each individual takes turns reading their lists, sharing them with the others.
Once that is done, take your “release” list, holding it up to the sky, offering it to the full moon. Place in a fire ap-propriate container or area and burn it to nothing. This releases the energies up to the universe. Always remember fire safety.
This is a simple, yet very powerful ritual which assists you in fearlessly moving forward.As it is the time of Autumn Equinox this is the perfect moment to release old behaviour patterns, beliefs and needs from your energetic, that no longer serve your highest good.Also to plant new dreams and ideas so they may cultivate into reality.This ritual can be done individually or in a gathering or group.Firstly take a sheet of paper and list all the things you wish to let go of, this will become your “release” list. Then takeanother sheet of paper and list all that you wish to bring into your life, this will become your “seeding” list.If you have chosen to do this ritual in a group, each individual takes turns reading their lists, sharing them with the others.Once that is done, take your “release” list, holding it up to the sky, offering it to the full moon. Place in a fire ap-propriate container or area and burn it to nothing. This releases the energies up to the universe. Always remem-ber fire safety.
Take your “seeding” list, kiss it and hold it to the sky offer-ing it to the moon. Then you can either keep it, bury it or burn it to nothing. This takes your wishes into reality.
Congratulations you have now completed this life changing ritual.
Take in the moment, to allow the change to integrate relax and enjoy a glass of water.
This Month‟s Full moon is: April 28th
To know more feel free to visit our website:

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