
Sunday, May 30, 2010

No Ordinary Crystal Workshop…

Intuiting Your Crystals-
Aspect Of Intuition
This workshop will assist you to grow in the aspect of Intuition by connecting with your ability to intuit each crystal, learn the gifts it brings, subsequently learning how to use it, what will enhance its work and what its purpose is in your life at this time.
You will also examine the origins, structure, placement , what it can do, cleansing and healing capacity of each crystal along with its ability to enhance and promote your meditation practice.. This course is aimed at assisting you on your journey, but is easily adapted to work with others.
The crystals in this workshop are :
 Hematite
 Lapis Lazuli
 Obsidian
 Petalite
 Selenite
 Sodalite
To know more feel free to visit our website:

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Bring more LOVE into your life

Finding & Embracing ‘Soulmate’ Love -
2 CD Set
From Karina Godwin

Soulmate love is real and it really is possible!
It can take your breath away and be everything you ever dreamed of and more ! It is the most special type of love, where just being with your ‟Soulmate‟ makes your heart sing, where each of you fulfills the needs of the other and where your dreams and desires become one.
Whether it is to cultivate Soulmate love in an existing relationship or to bring it to you in the form of a new relationship, the guided meditations on this beautiful 2CDset will assist you in opening up the channels of love in your own heart and releasing all that stops you form achieving your full potential in love.
It doesn‟t matter how long you‟ve been in your current relationship or how long it‟s been since you were in a relationship, your soul has a „Soulmate‟ already planned for you in this life journey, but it‟s up to you to ensure you are ready to receive it .
R.R.P $ 29.95
Finding & Embracing ‘ Soulmate’ Love course
2 x 1/2 days (usually 4-6 weeks apart )
Held at: Flying Souls Institute of Healing
Do you ever sit and wonder where the ‘Happy ever after‟ ending went? Why you‟re the one sitting alone or worse in a relationship that doesn‟t „ feed‟ the love requirements of your soul? Have you wondered whether there is a partner out there who is your „Soulmate‟?
This unique workshop is an experiential journey within to find and address those aspects of „you‟ which might be blocking true love coming your way. Perhaps you feel deep down that you don‟t deserve it ? Perhaps your heart is closed from past trauma?
There are so many reasons that stop love from being drawn to you , and none of them need to stay! Learn about different types of love and how they speak to you. Over two 3 1/2 hour sessions, usually 4-6 weeks apart you‟ll explore what you can change to attract true love to you, whether it be from a new love or igniting it in your current relationship.
To know more feel free to visit our website:

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stuck in the Land of Unforgiveness

I was teaching a course today and we were discussing relationships which were in conflict and it occurred to me that the vast majority of people are in conflict with at least one person at any time in their life. Why are so many of us experiencing conflict? Why are we not able to find peace with those around us? Why haven‟t we found a way of existing together that brings joy to our lives? Are we choosing the wrong people or are we just making life difficult?Life is meant to be peaceful, so what are we missing?
When we choose to incarnate here, we choose a number of lessons we wish to learn, making a list. Taking this list, we look for volunteers to be actors in our play of life‟, souls who are willing to help us achieve the lessons on our list. The easy jobs are filled quickly; everyone is up to being the nice guy/girl. Now the lessons that require you to change enormously the behaviours/ belief/ habits/ patterning or genetics that you have created or birthed yourself into remain. The lessons that will be hard/difficult/ painful for you, that will require the other person to be in conflict with you, to be hated or disliked and to be the one to tell/ create the „hard stuff‟ were ready to be filled. Only the Souls who carried great amounts of love for you stepped forward.
So here we are on Earth amongst all sorts of Souls, some we love, some we like, some we have no time for and others we really can‟t stand being around and other we describe as hating. Some make our life wonderful, some appear to have little effect and others make our life miserable. Each of these people are fulfilling a role. Our Soul, knowing how we would be likely to react has even organised back up plans/extra people to ensure we are success-ful in learning all of our lessons.
For example, I was sexually abused as a young girl. This was arranged at a Soul level to assist me to truly love myself, my abusers agreed to help me with such a terrible task and I agreed they would be perfect for the job. Next it occurs and I am furious, a rage so enormous that I can‟t handle/ face arises. I have forgotten the contract that was formed before my arrival here. I am a young girl who has been invaded in the most putrid way: my sexuality, how I look at myself, my femininity, my sense of safety, how I perceive men and my personal power has been dam-aged and interfered with. I will never be the same. I need to now rebuild my self-love, creating a new way of looking at myself that enables true love for me. But inside is this rage and I don‟t know how to deal with it. I grow through puberty and create behaviours and patterns that keep me safe although are damaging to my relationships.

Now I am a young woman and I am wading through the whirlpool of relationships and sex. I believe that men show their love to me only through sex, and I create new unhealthy beliefs and patterns. I now have other men moving through my life and each and every one of them fails or hurts me in some way. They too have been contracted to en-sure the lesson progresses so that I „get it‟. I am hurt and betrayed and become resentful and bitter at the relationships I am entering into. I have no trust for men and the rage is beginning to show in my body as illness.
In many previous incarnations I have tried to master the self love lesson and not succeeded. In this life I have taken drastic steps and recruited people whose behaviour would cause a catalyst, a breakdown of previous patterns and behaviour so that I could truly move forward in loving myself. I begin healings, finding its causes and begin to address the energetic and physical disturbances; in the process I find myself. I find the most beautiful and gentle woman with a great sense of humour and a very cheeky approach to the world. I find she has great passion to make a difference and I begin to use each and every one of those past experiences to ease the way for others, to inspire them to let go and to begin embracing their lives despite their hurt.
So how did I move on? How did I forgive them all? I chose to stand in my power, to no longer allow their behaviour to detrimentally affect my life or energetics or health in any way. I never once said it was ok for their behaviour, but I chose to forgive the pain they had given me opportunity to experience. I remembered the scene in the Spirit Realm when I was planning this life and the agreements we made together. I realised that they were simply doing what I asked of them, and often better than I could have hoped for in that planning stage as a Soul. I chose to forgive myself for reacting in the ways I did, and for any part I may have played in making things worse……and I began truly living again. I don‟t really understand why my Soul chose this path, and I‟m not sure that its one I‟d recommend as it was a „shocker‟. But so much good has come of it, I have realised I am the woman I am to-day as a result of those experiences and I couldn‟t take any of it back. I am also gifted with the opportunity to heal others and gift back their sexuality and have taught many Intuitive Healers to do this healing too, enabling so many more people to be reached and freed of these horrible invasions of their most sacred places.
I use this approach to every conflict I have in life and it has been so successful, please try it and good luck!
To know more feel free to visit our website:

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

How Are You Coping with Change ?

When Everything Changes, Change Everything
By Neale Donald Walsch
I did a full day workshop in America with Neale Donald Walsch and he is gorgeous. His book is exactly as if you are listening to him speaking. This book is life changing to those who use it, it takes you from a time of change or crisis and says to you: whilst you‟re at it, why not change everything to make your life all that
you have hoped for. He goes on to help you to understand the difference in reacting as opposed to responding to the dramas in life and how to change the little things to create huge changes. I have already seen enormous changes in those clients who have completed the book, well worth it.
R.R.P $ 35.00
Published By Hodder &Stoughton Ltd

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Master Healer Dorado Azul

We at Flying Souls have found this oil to have phenomenal healing capacity . It is very difficult to pin point a singular use for this oil.
Following are a few points I have researched from Young Living and distributors of this oil.
- Has powerful purifying properties
-Improves digestion and enhances mood.

It contains many compounds that are very inter-esting: Alpha pinenes, to modulate brain function. Hypothalamus is the first to deregulate hormone balance and thyroid balance. Limonene is effective with tumours; eucalyptol 1.8 cineol reduces inflammation. People have ex-perienced a 72% reduction in steroids with use of 1.8 cineol. Fenchone, a hormone molecule, balances estrogen; terpinene 4-ol, which has never been seen before in an oil, is remarkable for respiratory uses. Source:
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Free Massage to relax your mind and your body!

We know how busy and exhausting our lives can get and sometimes it’s a challenge to  maintain the balance between giving so much of yourself to others and giving back to yourself. If you feel that life is getting the better of you and you long for peace and calm in your life, then take yourself to a state of Bliss with one of our signature ‘healing massages’.

With the magical combination of specialist essential oil blends, crystal healing stones and choose areas to be gifted intuitive massage therapists, tuning into your body’s needs, our massages are a cross between a ‘healing’ and a ‘massage’, which means you get the best of both worlds. After a couple of these extremely nurturing sessions, your friends will start noticing the difference in how great you look and you’ll start noticing how great you feel.  Each massage is a full body massage with care given to privacy and the ability for each client to concentrated’ upon or ‘avoided’.
We offer 6 different massages:
Relax it – for stressed and aching muscles
Release It – for releasing old patterns held in the physical body
Love It – for promoting self love & therefore inviting love into your life.
Balance It – for balancing out the mind, body and spirit and centering
Enjoy It – Just because you deserve it
Babybelly It – to relieve the tension of an expanding body during
pregnancy We use specific blends of Young Living Essential oils which have been chosen for their therapeutic nature and Karina’s years of experience watching how amazingly effective they have been in both her healing practice and her own healing journey.
“I haven’t known this deep sense of calm for a really long time, since I came to Australia”. Emma
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Flying Souls Calendar of Events

Advanced Awakening – 31st July & 1st August
Awakening Your Intuition – 15th & 16th May, 26th & 27th June
Finding & Embracing Soulmate Love – Day 1 – 17th July Day 2 – 14th Aug
Intuitive Healing - 1st & 2nd May
Intuiting Your Crystals – Aspect of Intuition - 8th May
- Aspect of Passion – 24th May
Living & Embracing Abundance - 17th July
Talking to the Angels for Kids - TBA
To know more feel free to visit our website:

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Spiritual Journey to Arizona & Sedona: Celebrate Your Life!

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have just made it back from the Celebrate Your Life conference in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. What an amazing and life-changing experience, capped off with 2 days in Sedona amongst the energy vor-exes and finally the essential day of shopping in LA! It was a very full on trip, 8 days and 9 nights of insights, release, experience and heart opening joy. I travelled with Alesa who is one of our clients from Sydney and the changes in her were phenomenal, she left as Alesa and came back a glowing and more confident and beautiful woman. I can only imagine the changes were similar in me as both Zavier(2.5yrs) & my husband Berni had trouble recognising me at the airport gate…I had to get their attention before they realised it was me!
So what exactly happened, and what can I share with you from my experiences. Good news is that my next articles will either focus upon or bring insight and teachings from what I have learned. Celebrate Your Life is a huge American spiritual event with up to 40 major speakers speaking and teaching to around 2000 participants, mostly from the US but some internationals like us! We became almost famous as the Australian girls‟ as they loved listening to stories of our country and adored our accents.
On booking I could never have imagined how huge it could be. I did a full day workshop with Neale Donald Walsch and smaller workshops with Wayne Dwyer, Iyanla Vanzant, Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, Sonia Choquette, Greg Braden, Brian Weiss, John Holland, James Van Praagh, S.A.R.K and Julie Murphy Casserly. It was incredible to be amongst the wisdom of such prominent speakers and Alesa got to experience some others who were all awe-some. If you can make it, attend for it has so much potential to unleash in each of us. I tried to explain it on the plane on the way home and found that words couldn‟t capture the magic of the journey, but the end result was clear. I left as Karina and although I returned as Karina, I am different because I am now wearing my Spirit not only on the inside, but on the outside too! All within a week!
Sedona was an amazing and capped off the Conference perfectly. The red rocks and energy vortexes that create this special place healed my body and energetics in the most in-credible way. It was like my energy was turned in-side out, realigned and connected once again with the fullness of my Spirit. I could feel the pull of the energy an hour before our shuttle arrived drawing my heart forward and closer and closer to its source. Our guide was gorgeous, both in energy & in looks, Näthan led us on a journey that was both spiritual and energetic. When we climbed to top of one of the Mesa‟s the vista was awe inspiring and were then taken on a guided medita-tion that created a connection with the Earth and the magic of Sedona, so much so that at the end there was no grounding required, I was at one with Sedona and the Universe.
The Conference Speaker who created the most pro-found change is difficult to identify as each speaker took me on a perfectly choreographed dance toward an open heart and embracing my spirit. I have to say I have my favourites, but the session that left me with a wet face and top was Iyanla Vanzant. She is the most beautiful Soul who stood up and talked to us about exercising our „no muscle‟ and saying yes only to those things/activities/commitments that honour us. She taught us that when we do things because we don‟t want to hurt peo-ple‟s feelings, or because we think we should or be-cause we‟re too afraid to say no we interfere with the lessons they have chosen to live in this life. As we all know, if we don‟t pay attention to our lessons they come back bigger or more noticeable next time. Her comment was that if we really cared about these people we would say no, in fact we would “mind your own business!” This really hit home, as I certainly don‟t want to contribute in any way to making the journey of those I love more difficult or challenging and I have spent most of my life agree-ing to please others or to avoid conflict. So I have committed to saying it as it is, to honouring the journey of every person in my life including me! For if I am honouring everyone else around me, I am then also honouring myself! It is so exciting and such a different way of looking at things as Iyanla told us that very few people actually have a strong „no muscle‟ and most of us say yes when we don‟t mean it at some stage or another. Food for thought isn‟t it? How could you change things to honour you more? Perhaps just start a bit at a time and then go from there…it‟s actually a lot eas-ier than you think!
I guess now I‟ve been living these changes for a week and watching. What is important is that we speak our truth, to both ourselves and to others, that we speak it with gentleness but with firm-ness, creating no space for you to be manipulated out of that choice. We need to keep our „no muscle‟ taut and terrific and get rid of the „guilt trip‟ that we often follow when we choose what honours us. Guilt is such a tricky emotion, it always seeks to punish, so leave it out of your repertoire.
It was very powerful experience and ended with the most life changing meditation that I have to this day experi-enced. Iyanla is beautiful, she has the most gentle but inspiring and very funny way of presenting and it is easy to see she is an Angel here on Earth. We have ordered in her new book “One Day my Soul Just Opened Up” which the session was based on.
I have returned home changed but in essence the same. I will be addressing those areas of my life that do not honour my highest good at this time. I have learnt so much from each speaker and have many notes to enable sharing. All staff will have the opportunity to learn from these experiences which will in turn enable them to support and empower you on your journey in a new and powerful way. I look forward to the results this one confer-ence will bring to our community and subsequently our world.
Coming soon…Love your Spirit and 2013, What needs to be done!
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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seasonal Sensation- At home treatments that are to easy to do

One thing I love to do to pamper myself or my loved ones (if I feel inclined) is a Blissful foot bath & sugar scrub.
What you need:
1 x Large Foot bowl
2 x Towels
1 Tbsp Electric soda crystals ( can be found at the supermarket)
2 Drops of an Essential Oil ( of your choice)
2 x Rose Quartz ( Tumbled or Rough)
1 x Rhodochrosite (Tumbled)
4 x Clear Quartz Points
(Number of crystals used is personal preference, these numbers are just a suggestion from the author)
Sugar Scrub;
2 tbsp sugar ( Raw sugar is best, but white sugar work as well)
2 tbsp pure base oil (e.g. Sweet Almond, Olive oil etc)
Listed below are few selected Essential oils that you might like to put in your foot bath and influences associated with inhalation of these oils aroma. (Please note those with ™ are specific Young living oil blends)
Increases spiritual awareness and pro-motes meditation. May also help improve attitude and uplift spirits, which may help to strengthen the immune system.
Is calming, relaxing and balancing, for one, both physically and emotionally.
Ylang Ylang
Influences sexual energy and en-hances relationships. It may help stimulate the adrenal glands, it is calming and relaxing and may also help with anger and possibly rage and low self esteem. It brings back the feeling of self love, confidence, joy and peace.
Warning; Do Not Use if pregnant or under doctor’s care, consult physician. Repeated use can possibly result in contact sensitization
Uplifting and elevating to the mind creating a happy, positive attitude.
Creates feelings of self-love and confidence
Peace & Calming
Promotes a feeling of calming and emotional well-being
Warning; May be irritating to those with sensitive skin. Avoid eye contact. In case of eye of accidental contact, put a few drops of any pure vegetable oil in the eye and call your doctor if necessary. Never use water to dilute or rinse. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for 3 days after use. Do Not Use if pregnant or under doctor’s care, consult physician
What To do :
Place bowl on towel at recipients feet.
Use a jug to fill the foot bowl with water at temperature that is suit-able for person receiving treatment.
Add to bowl electric soda crystals, 2 drops of Essential oils and agitate.
Place Crystals gently into the bowl. Remember to exercise care at all times and be sure that the crystals don’t have sharp edges that could cause injuries.
Place feet into the bowl and soak for 5 mins.
Take one foot out and using half the sugar scrub mixture, scrub foot for around 3-5 mins then place back in water and rinse off and repeat this process on other foot .
Soak again for approx 5-10 minutes or until water cools depend-ing on the preference of the per-son receiving the treatment.
Remove feet from foot bath and dry thoroughly using the second towel.
Relax & Enjoy your perfectly pampered Footsies
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Well Being Magazine Give away!!

We have 10 packs of 2 issues of Wellbeing Magazine to give away …
Simply tell us in 50 words or less what you love about Flying Souls Institute of Healing
Entries can be emailed to
Or posted directly to Attn Newslet-ter @ Flying souls – 79 Asling Street , Brighton Vic 3186
Winners will be drawn at random through out competition time frame.
Competition closes June 30th 2010 or whilst stocks last
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Monday, May 10, 2010

A Mother’s Martyrdom…. Is this you ?

We celebrate Mother‟s Day soon, a time of appreciation for the role of your Mother, or perhaps you! It is an interesting celebration and one that raises many questions of the Mothers of the world and their selfless contribution to the children they have chosen to raise. Mums have this role, but they are not alone, for many people also give selflessly to those around them, e.g. family, friends, colleagues or charities.

Are you a Martyr? I was a magnificent martyr, a pattern of behaviour I am finally breaking. I believed that I needed to do/be certain things to be enough. I believed I must put my children, husband, family and friends before my own needs, that I must have the perfect house, children and job. I was terrified of the judgement and loneliness, so I mirrored myself on hardworking people and perfected their roles until I was too busy to be happy. As my happiness slid away, so did my willingness to do things for others. I felt tired and unappreciated and began to begrudge everything. I had become a martyr!
Most of us associate a Martyr as being someone who dies/suffers for a cause, but many martyrs are just ordinary people. How many people do things because they feel obliged, guilty, indebted, or forced to do it, are fearful of the consequences if they change or believe no one else will do it. Maybe they look good if they are doing so much for others. Maybe be you‟re staying in a job because you believe they won‟t cope without you. So you may be realising you are a full blown martyr like I was or you may have noticed parts of your life that are martyr-like. It‟s clear this is not good, but how do we break the pattern and change it?
If you have recognised any martyrdom in you, you are already changing it. As you become aware, you release the power of this old patterning and a willingness to let go develops. Now you are in a powerful position to make big, positive changes! Work out how this behaviour is creating a reward, making you feel „good‟. It‟s time to be honest and objective, perhaps someone close can help. This is not to judge you, but to help you let go of the old you. Is it a belief that this is what it takes to be a good parent, partner, child, employee or sibling? Does it make you feel superior/noble/righteous or do you receive sympathy for what you are doing? “Poor Karina, I don‟t know how she does it all!” Do you believe that you must struggle to be successful/happy/rich? Somewhere in your life you have associated a „gain‟ with doing something you didn‟t want to do and it has spiralled into your current circumstances.
Once you know what and why, the real job begins. Do you need that reward through martyrdom or could you gain it in some other way? I believe we need to be living each moment as passionately as we can. I‟m not suggesting you don‟t wash the dishes anymore, as this will bring its own form of misery when you can‟t make a clean cup of tea. Imagine a slight change of attitude and a new way of doing things bringing you a whole new happier life…..I made it happen so can you! A life that is driven by what you really want to do, rather than „have to‟, one full of time for you to do what you love! I took total responsibility for my life, for how I was feeling and what I was doing and stopped blaming others. No one could take the blame for my choices, so therefore if I wasn‟t happy, the buck stopped with me. I stopped whinging and blaming and started analysing why. Once I understood why I was doing things, I got to work on finding out new ways of thinking and choosing. E.g. I always complained I never had any time: 5 kids, a big house, a business to run and what do you expect! Enough! I looked at why I was doing everything myself. I felt important having all the responsibility and could take credit for the results. I was reluctant to put the effort and time into teaching my family to take responsibility for them-selves and their stuff. I gained sympathy and I felt more like those around me. How ridiculous, all of it! I was punishing myself using my beliefs about my roles and trying to overcompensate for being a working Mum!
I got creative and sought advice and ideas from others, books and the internet, trying each till we had success. So successful that last weekend there were 8 loads of washing to wash, dry, fold and put away and I didn‟t do any. My body crashed. I am sitting here writing this article on Wednesday after rescheduling today‟s clients and spending almost a whole day in bed. Martyrdom is tiring and I have been working too hard. My body needed rest, and whilst I hate to inconvenience others I had to stop and listen to its needs. I am creating a plan to delegate more so that I can manage some free time! Goodbye Martyrdom, welcome loving myself enough to care about me too!
Try it, you can do it too, look outside the square, believe any-thing is possible and then make changes. You deserve it, whether you‟re a Mum or not, you deserve to love your life too. A friend said to me on the weekend that she looks at the tasks in her life and many are expected, but the benefits of seeing the smile on her child‟s face after winning his game makes those trips to & from training so worthwhile. She chooses to do because she enjoys it, and that‟s the opposite of martyr-dom…..give it a try in your life!
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Friday, May 7, 2010

An easy way to connect with the Angels..

Angels For Kids
By Kathy Sheehan
This book is about explaining Angels from a child’s perspective, helping them to understand why there are angels and how they can help us. It shows us that they are with us all the time and can present themselves in many, many ways.  This book presents the opportunity for children to understand that it’s okay to have angels and in fact quite normal!

There’s is a cool meditation that helps kids to connect to their own personal angel and examples of how angels can help.
(Simply print this coupon)
Overall, I enjoyed the content and believe this book would help children.. and adults to understand angels and their role, offering an opportunity to explore further.
Let both you and your children’s imagination soar!!!
Suitable for 4-5 year olds and up-wards
R.R.P $ 14.95
Published By Joshua Books

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Our Greatest Fear! Something to Ponder!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people per-mission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others..” Marianne Williamson

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Choosing the Healing Massage that’s right for you

Release any pain , anger or restrictions within your mus-cles, leaving you with a greater range of movement and feeling peaceful
Creates time away from it all, easing away stress, enabling a sense of clarity and serenity that evaded you previously
Assist you to release and surrender old hurts and issues stored within the muscles, leaving you feeling lighter and more joyful
Supporting you through this amaz-ing experience, with the physical and emotional changes as your baby and belly grow. You leave feeling as a woman in one the most beautiful times in your life, able to enjoy every minute of it
Is a step towards honouring yourself; it fills you up with love. Assist you to „let go‟ of any energy stuck in the body, leaving you feeling happier, content and ready to love
Release disharmony in your body and return it and your mind to a state of balance, leaving you feeling like you can cope with anything

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Healing Massage has SO much to offer !!

What is Healing Massage??
It‟s a conversation of creative flow between your Mind, Body , Spirit and your Massage Therapist, where hands dance in a fusion of strength and compassion that washes away the muscular and energetic block-ages that are holding you back.
Imagine your own private oasis, warm, inviting, serene, comforting.. It‟s just divine.
With you is a beautiful Angel ( your massage therapist), ready to assist you in letting go of that which no longer serves you. She directs you to lay face down on the massage table; it is SO comfortable, just like being wrapped in a fluffy cloud.. WOW!! You can sense that this is the beginning of something extraor-dinary.

As you take a few deep breathes you feel your body relax and melt into the table. Your therapist applies the luxu-rious massage oil blend and as the delicious scent of the essential oils travel through your nasal passage it entices your senses, carrying you into deeply relaxed state, allowing the healing to begin.
With great care and finesse your therapist gets to work, finding all those hidden trouble spots within your body, it is like your body is tell-ing her where she can find them.
An elation arises in your sensory nerves as your therapist moves her hands over your muscles, it feels like a warm summers breeze gently brushing your skin, you note the smooth yet cool sensation of the magical healing crystals being used.
There is a shift in your energetics,.
Your therapist moves along your entire body concentrating on those areas you discussed needed attention and avoiding those areas you did not want to be included; your tension just melts away..
Welcome to Euphoria!!!
As your treatment comes to an end you feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude, Congratulations!!!
You have just treated your Mind, Body, and Spirit as a whole. Connecting them and allowing the experience to be pure BLISS!!!
As you arise from the table and return back through the doors to the “Real” world, you notice you feel lighter, calmer and empowered.
You are ready to move beyond your recent state and soar to new heights.
To know more feel free to visit our website:

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